03 Feb Sweetgrass
SWEETGRASS Seneca or Holy Grass - Hierochloe odorata “Sweetgrass is the hair of our Mother; separately, each strand is not as strong as the strands are when braided together.” -Mary Ritchie Return to Elements & Tools...
SWEETGRASS Seneca or Holy Grass - Hierochloe odorata “Sweetgrass is the hair of our Mother; separately, each strand is not as strong as the strands are when braided together.” -Mary Ritchie Return to Elements & Tools...
LAVENDER Lavender is associated with the heart chakra. Very soothing and relaxing, it invokes peace of mind, inner calmness, love, happiness, and harmony that can help heal emotional pain. Its relaxing properties can help with a restful sleep. stress management. Its oils have anti-inflammatory qualities. Return to...
PALO SANTO Palo Santo (Sacred Wood in Spanish), from the citrus family, is a magical wise tree that grows in South America. With a long history of use by indigenous cultures, the wood has traditionally been used in ritual and ceremony for its purifying gifts (similar to...
WHITE SAGE White Sage (Salvia apiana) is known for its purifying and cleansing qualities that help to open space for inviting the new as well as preparing people and spaces for ceremony work. It supports the clearing of emotional blockages, releasing, and letting go, as well...