1hr to 1hr 30 min circle session for groups of 10-24 older adult women

Wisdom Circle is a  group session designed for older women with all stages of cognitive and physical challenges and for patients at the end of life. Participants gather in a circle where a sacred space is set to create a nourishing, peaceful, and non- judgmental atmosphere, where Elders are recognized and honored as wisdom keepers.

Read More about Wisdom Circles  or Download a Sample Session

Individual Sessions

1 hr individualized session

We offer customized sound therapy sessions, and meditation-based stress-reduction sessions with use of sensorial methods and counseling. These sessions are a great way to get the full benefit of sound and aromatherapy specially customized for an individual.

Family Sessions

1 hr circle sessions for groups of 2-5 elderly women and their close friends, family and caregivers.

We believe in the importance of strengthening the bond between the elderly and their family and caregivers. 

Caregivers Session

for 3-10 full time caregivers at nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

Caregivers are often exhausted and under a great deal of stress that can affect their relationships with those they care for.  These sessions, designed to support the well-being of caregivers, offer a relaxing space to re-establish a sense of peace from within (reduce stress), to share and release emotions and to self-nourish.  The tools and training offered in these sessions can be  integrated into their daily work.

End of Life Care

“Old age, sickness and death do not have to be equated with suffering; we can live and practice in such a way that dying is a natural rite of passage, a completion of our life, and even the ultimate liberation.” Joan Halifax

It’s important to transform dying into a richer, more spiritual experience. This work is to help the dying explore and contemplate the transformative power of the dying process while helping them in cultivating inner strengths.

Plan Session

Schedule a session with us or if you have any questions regarding any specific offering or method we use, please contact us and we will be happy to speak with you.